Houston freelance photographer with a passion in wedding photojournalism.
Capturing pure and special moments as they naturally occur during one of the most beautiful and sacred day in a couple's life...

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Fine Tuning The Past...

Probably should have titled this..."Continued from yesterday". As with many people in photography (or any art form), professional or hobbyist, we tend to be our worst critics. We capture an image we truly love...but later, we still develop a great urge to come back and try to tweak & 'enhance' it. At least, I know I do...We'll being true to my nature, I had to go back and enhance images that I already enjoy currently. Just to give it a little more emotional impact...or pop... or something. Again, it's processing that not everyone will be into but I really enjoy that desaturated/chrome look (which reminds me...note to self: watch the movie 300 again). Anyways, I tried not to be as 'heavy handed' on the processing as my previous post.

Images captured with Nikon D1x with Nikkor 24mm F2.8D & 80-200mm F2.8D ED (old push-pull).

*A huge thank you again to Miguel Ramos for allowing me to assist with this event. Looking for a wonderful photographer in the Pasadena, TX area...check out his link under my LINKS I LOVE TO VISIT.

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