Houston freelance photographer with a passion in wedding photojournalism.
Capturing pure and special moments as they naturally occur during one of the most beautiful and sacred day in a couple's life...

Wednesday, February 27, 2008


Well, the final weigh-in has come and gone. Didn't win the competition but still 11 lbs lighter. I'm not huge on self-portraits but I'm so proud of my accomplisment, I've made an exception....

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Trimming down...Final Week

Ok! Well, it's the final week of our little 'weight loss' competition...or as I like to call it 'drop the weight like it's hot'. I maintained a fairly consistent exercise routine and diet without going excessively crazy with either. I allowed a few cheat meals regarding my diet but no binge eating though. Not sure how close I'll hit my goal weight but overall, it's been a great experience.

My thing was to simply increase my daily activity level and avoid junk food. No crazy starvation diet because, well, I like to eat. But I did trim down my heavy carb intake (pastas, breads, etc...) and replaced it with dark green veggies. With a little bit of consistency and effort, a simple 35-45 minute brisk walk, twice a day, 6 times a week, made a surprising difference in my efforts. Plus, it gave me a nice positive 'mental' boost as well.

Regardless of this coming Sunday's outcome, I think this will be something I'll stick with for a while.